Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Pericles
The Adventures of Pericles (Quarto)
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1The Argument of the whole Historie.
2Antiochus the Great, who was the first founder of Antioch, 3the most famous Citty in all Syria, hauing one onelie daughter, 4in the prime and glory of her youth, fell in most vnnaturall 5loue with her; and what by the power of his perswasions, and 6feare of his tyranny, he so preuailed with her yeelding heart, 7that he became maister of his desires; which to continue to himself, 8his daughter being for her beauty desired in 9marriage of many great princes, he made this law, That whoso presumed to desire 10her in marriage, and could not vnfold the meaning of his questions, for 11that attempt should loose his life. Fearelesse of this Lawe, many Princes 12aduentured, and in their rashnesse perished: amongst the number PERICLES 13the Prince of Tyre, and neighbour to this tyrant King Antiochus, was the 14last who vndertooke to resolue this Riddle, which he accordingly, through 15his great wisedome, performed: and finding both the subtiltie and sinne of 16the Tyrant, for his owne safetie fled secretly from Antioch backe to Tyre, 17and there acquainted Helycanus a graue Counsellour of his with the 18proceedings, as also with his present feare what might succeed, from 19whose counsell he tooke aduise, for a space to leaue his kingdome, 20and betake himselfe to trauell; to which yeelding, Pericles puts to sea, 21ariues at Tharsus, which he finds (thorow the dearth of corne) in much 22distresse: he there relieues Cleon and Dyonysa with their distressed City, 23with the prouision which he brought of purpose; but by his good Counsellour 24Helycanus hearing newes of Antiochus death, he intends for Tyre, puts againe 25to Sea, suffers shipwracke, his shippes and men all lost, till (as it were) 26Fortune tyred with his mis-happes, he is throwne vpon the shoare, releeued 27by certaine poore Fishermen, and by an Armour of his which they by chaunce 28dragged vp in their nettes, his misfortunes being a little repaired, Pericles 29arriues at the Court of good Symonides King of Pentapolis, where through his 30noblenesse both in Armes and Arts, he winnes the loue of faire Thaysa the 31kings daughter, and by her fathers consent marries her.
32In this absence of his, and, for which absence the Tyrians his subiects 33muteny, would elect Helycanus (whome Pericles ordained his substitute in his 34absence) their King, which passion of theirs Helycanus by his graue perswasions 35subdewed, and wonne them to goe in quest of their lost Prince Pericles: In this 36search he is found, and with his wife Thaysa, who is now with childe, and Lycorida 37her Nurse; hauing taken leaue of his kingly Father, puts againe for Tyre, but with 38the terrour of a tempest at Sea, his Queene falles in trauell, is deliuered of a 39daughter, whome hee names Marina, in which childe-birth his Queene dies, she is 40throwne ouerboorde, at departure of whome Pericles altereth his course from 41Tyre, being a shorter cut, to his hoste Clean in Tharsus; hee there leaues his 42yoong daughter to be fostered vp, vowing to himselfe a solitary and pensiue life 43for the losse of his Queene.
44Thaysa thus supposed dead, and in the seas buried, is the next morning on 45the shore taken vp at Ephesus by Cerimon a most skilfull Physition, who by his 46Arte practised vpon this Queene, so preuailed, that after fiue houres intraunced, 47she is by his skill brought to able health againe, and by her owne request, by 48him placed to liue a Votary in Dianaes Temple at Ephesus. Marina Pericles 49sea-borne daughter, is by this growen to discreete yeares, she is enuied of 50Dyonysa Cleons wife, her foster mother, for that Marinaes perfection exceedeth 51a daughter of hers, Marina by this enuy of hers should haue beene murthered, 52but being rescued by certaine Pyrates, is as it were reserued to a greater 53mishap, for by them she is carried to Metelyne, sold to the deuils broker a 54bawd, to haue bin trained vp in that infection, shee is courted of many, and 55how wonderfully she preserues her chastitie.
56Pericles returnes from Tyre toward Tharsus, to visite the hospitable 57Cleon, Dyonysa, and his yoong daughter Marina, where by Dyonysaes dissembling 58teares, and a Toombe that was erected for her, Pericles is brought to beleeue, 59that his Marina lies there buryed, and that shee died of her naturall death, 60for whose losse hee teares his haire, throwes off his garments, forsweares the 61societie of men, or any other comfort. In which passion for many moneths 62continuing, hee at last arriues at Metelyne, when being scene and pittied by 63Lysimachus the Gouernour, his daughter (though of him vnknowen so) is by the 64Gouernour sent for, who by her excellent skill in Song, and pleasantnesse in 65discourse, with relating the story of her owne mishap, shee so winnes againe 66her fathers lost sences, that hee knowes her for his childe, shee him for her 67father; in which ouerioy, as if his sences were nowe all confounded, Pericles 68falles asleepe, where in a dreame he is by Diana warned to goe to Ephesus, and 69there to make his sacrifice. Pericles obayes, and there comes to the knowledge 70of Thaysa his wife, with their seuerall loyes that they three so strangely 71diuided, are as strangely mette. Lysimachus the Gouernour marrieth Marina, 72and Pericles leauing his mourning, causeth the bawde to be burned. Of his 73reuenge to Clean and Dyonysa, his rewarding of the Fishermen that releeued 74him, his iustice toward the Pyrats that made sale of his daughter, his returne 75backe to his kingdome, and of him and his wifes deaths. Onely intreating the 76Reader to receiue this Historie in the same maner as it was vnder the habite 77of ancient Gower the famous English Poet, by the Kings Maiesties Players 78excellently presented.
79The names of the Personages mentioned in this Historie.
80Iohn Gower the Presenter.
81Antiochus built Antioch
82His daughter.
83Pericles Prince of Tyre.
84Thalyart a villaine.
86Eschines Twoo graue Counsellors.
87Cleon Gouernor of Tharsus.
88Dyonysa his wife.
89Two or three Fishermen.
90Symonides king of Pentapolis
91Thaysa his daughter.
92Fiue Princes.
93Lycorida a Nurse.
94Cerimon a Phisition.
95Marina Pericles daughter.
96A Murtherer.
98A Bawde.
99A Lena.
100A Pander.
101Lysimachus Gouernour of Meteline.
102Diana Goddesse of chastitie